Visit to Quiver Farms

Today the children of Trevose Day School and Neshaminy Montessori had an exciting and tasty visit from Quiver Farms. Farmer Cori brought with her a grinder and fruit press for everyone to help make apple cider. Each child had the opportunity to grind up their very own apple. Once the all the apples went through the grinder, they were put into the giant fruit press. It was so excited to see and hear the cider come out. The best part was tasting their yummy creation!


Farmer Cori also brought some farm friends with her. She brought Orea and Peanut Butter, 2 adorable rabbits. The children got to hold and pet them. As everyone left the barn, there was one more surprise for the day. Everyone was greeted by Bishop, a miniature horse. Bishop is 100% blind and was rescued by Quiver Farms. He was so happy to let all his new friends give him a pat before returning to class.


The day was not complete until the children did some apple tasting and created a lovely fall leaf craft too! It was such a fun and educational morning for everyone !