Transitioning Into Elementary

One of the biggest questions asked by parents is: “How difficult will it be for my child to transition into a new (Montessori) classroom.” This question is not always easy to answer because no child is exactly the same as another. There are different variables to think about when choosing an educational path for your child. However, one of the biggest key points to remember about Montessori philosophy is that the trained teachers never just teach to the group. They learn the strengths and weaknesses of each student in their classroom, and they work with them based on their individual learning styles.

If a child is moving into an elementary Montessori classroom from a primary Montessori classroom, the transition should be seamless. The biggest adjustment the child will have to make is getting to know their new teacher. In the beginning of the school year, teachers often spend a nice chunk of time with “getting to know you” exercises regardless of new or returning students. It is essential to build that classroom community as a whole in the beginning of the year. The previously primary student will already understand the ebb and flow of a Montessori environment and will quickly learn the new expectations of their elementary teacher.

What if your child has never been in a primary Montessori classroom...will they transition well into an elementary Montessori classroom? The short answer is YES! Children are adaptable. All of the students entering the Montessori elementary program will need to transition whether they enter a Montessori classroom or a traditional classroom. Each year is a new transition for all students. As stated before, all trained teachers take the time to understand each individual learner. The teacher will take extra time to guide the new students to understand the routines and materials. The beauty of a Montessori classroom, too, is that the students can also become teachers. Students who are familiar with Montessori often help newer students through direct modeling and interaction. With a strong classroom community, each child will feel part of the whole in no time at all.

Maria Montessori said, “Adaptation to the environment is something positive, a starting point from which a person can go a long way.” To adapt to a new environment is a skill that all people will learn to endure in a lifetime. Children are much more adaptable than most adults, and they enjoy new and exciting transitions. Be confident that your child will thrive in a Montessori elementary classroom!

If you would like to learn more about an Elementary Montessori experience at Neshaminy Montessori School, contact the office at 215 355 4373.